Scrotox, or scrotal Botox, involves injecting a neurotoxin like Botox into the scrotum to diminish wrinkles and sweating.
Scrotox, or scrotal Botox, involves injecting a neurotoxin like Botox into the scrotum to reduce sweating and diminish wrinkles, creating a smoother skin texture.
Originally developed as a medical intervention to alleviate scrotal discomfort caused by inflammation, Scrotox has evolved to encompass a range of cosmetic benefits. It is a non-invasive treatment that can reduce the visibility of scrotal wrinkles, decrease scrotal perspiration, enhance scrotal aesthetics by creating a fuller appearance, and promote a looser or lower positioning of the testicles.
The process of administering Scrotox is a straightforward procedure conducted by a medical professional. The steps involved include the application of numbing cream or ointment to the scrotum, followed by a careful examination and marking of safe injection sites for toxin. The provider then delicately inserts a needle into the scrotum and gradually administers the toxin, repeating the process multiple times to ensure comprehensive coverage. Any minor bleeding is addressed and the procedure typically lasts between two to four minutes.
Results typically will not be right away but some aesthetic changes should be noted within 1-2 weeks.
Recovering from a Scrotox procedure is quick and painless. It is an outpatient procedure that allows you to return to your normal activities the same day. You may be asked to refrain from sex for 24 hrs. However patients should follow the aftercare instructions from their medical provider to ensure optimal results and safety.