Lip Lift

A lip lift is a permanent surgery procedure designed to decrease the distance between the nose and the lips.

About Lip Lift


A lip lift is a surgical intervention designed to reduce the distance between the base of the nose and the upper lip. This procedure enhances the prominence and youthful appearance of the mouth without the need for fillers or implants to augment volume. The various types of lip lifts include:

  • Bullhorn Lip Lift (Subnasal Lip Lift): This is the most frequently performed lip lift procedure. The plastic surgeon creates a single incision resembling a bullhorn beneath the nose, subsequently elevating both the center and the sides of the upper lip.
  • Central Lip Lift: In this procedure, the surgeon makes a single incision at the base of the nose to elevate the central portion of the upper lip, commonly referred to as the Cupid’s bow.
  • Corner Lip Lift: This particular technique raises the corners of the mouth to create a slight smile, making it especially suitable for individuals with downturned or drooping lips. Plastic surgeons may occasionally combine this procedure with another form of lip lift.
  • Gullwing Lip Lift (Direct Lip Lift): The surgeon performs an incision along the border of the upper lip in a manner that resembles a flying seagull, resulting in a more defined upper lip.
  • Italian Lip Lift: This technique offers a more subtle enhancement compared to the bullhorn lift and involves two incisions made at each nostril. However, it does not elevate the central portion of the lip.
  • V to Y Lip Lift (V-Y Advancement): In this procedure, the surgeon creates an incision shaped like the letter “V” and subsequently closes it in the form of the letter “Y.”

A lip lift enhances the prominence and youthful appearance of the lips without the use of fillers or implants to augment volume. This procedure can transform the aesthetic of the lips in several ways:

– Concealing exposed upper teeth.
– Creating the illusion of increased volume in the upper lip.
– Correcting down-turned corners of the lips.
– Reducing lines associated with the natural aging process.


– Permanent solution for fuller lips
– Conducted under local anesthesia
– Results feature a subtly natural appearance
– Emphasizes proportionality in lip enhancement


– Procedure results in a minor, discreet scar
– Initial bruising and swelling may occur
– Recovery period required: three to four days

What to Expect


Prior to undergoing a lip lift procedure, you will have a consultation with your plastic surgeon. During this meeting, your surgeon will conduct a physical examination and gather information regarding your overall health and the objectives you wish to achieve through the procedure. Once your surgeon has a clear understanding of your expectations, they will recommend the most suitable type of lip lift for your individual needs.

Your plastic surgeon will provide you with specific instructions to prepare for the procedure. It is essential to refrain from consuming alcoholic beverages and taking blood-thinning medications, such as aspirin and certain herbal supplements. Please do not modify any of your current medications without prior approval from a healthcare provider. If you are a smoker, it is imperative to cease smoking several weeks before and after the surgery.

Should you have any inquiries regarding the procedure, potential side effects, or preparatory measures, do not hesitate to consult your surgeon prior to the scheduled date of your surgery.

What occurs during a lip lift?

On the day of your lip lift, a healthcare provider will administer local anesthesia to numb the treatment area. You will remain awake during the procedure, but you will not experience any pain. If you are undergoing an additional cosmetic procedure simultaneously, such as a facelift (rhytidectomy), general anesthesia will be administered, and you will be unconscious during the operation.

During the lip lift procedure, the plastic surgeon will excise excess skin from the area between the base of the nose and the upper lip (philtrum) and elevate your mouth into the desired position. Depending on the specific type of lip lift being performed, your surgeon may focus on lifting a different area of your mouth rather than the upper lip.

The steps involved in the procedure include:

1. Making an incision.
2. Removing excess skin.
3. Elevating your upper lip or lips to the appropriate position.

The location and number of incisions will vary based on the specific lip lift technique employed.

To conclude the procedure, your plastic surgeon will meticulously close the incisions using fine sutures.

How long does a lip lift take?

Typically, a lip lift procedure lasts less than one hour. However, the duration may vary depending on the specific type of lip lift that your surgeon performs.

Following lip lift surgery, you will be monitored until a healthcare professional deems you fit for discharge. It is possible to return home on the same day as the procedure. It is advisable to arrange for a designated driver, as the effects of the anesthetic may leave you feeling fatigued and disoriented.


Post-operative recovery following a lip lift procedure necessitates diligent care of the incision site and implementation of practices conducive to skin healing. The following recommendations may be provided:

  • Sleep in a supine position with the head elevated.
  • Minimize verbal communication.
  • Adhere to the prescribed medication regimen.
  • Refrain from consuming alcoholic beverages or using tobacco products during the healing process.
  • Opt for soft foods that require minimal chewing.

It is not uncommon to experience swelling, soreness, and a sensation of tightness following the surgery. Your surgeon will arrange a follow-up appointment to remove the stitches a few days post-procedure, or the stitches may be designed to dissolve independently.

The healing process for your surgical site is anticipated to take six to eight weeks.


Initial swelling and bruising are expected to diminish within one week following the lip lift procedure, with complete resolution occurring within one month. It is not uncommon for the lips to experience a sensation of tightness for a duration of several months. In certain instances, it may require up to six months for the lips to return to a state of complete normalcy.

In terms of the timeline for observing the results of a lip lift, optimal outcomes may take up to four months to manifest.

Safety Profile

As with any surgical procedure, there are inherent risks of infection and bleeding. However, the risk of noticeable scarring following a lip lift is minimal due to the strategic placement of the incisions involved in this procedure.


The average cost of a lip lift surgery range in the United States is between $3,000 and $4,000.

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