Salicylic Acid Peel

Salicyclic Acid peel is a cosmetic treatment that uses a solution with salicylic acid to reduce inflammation and exfoliate skin.

About Salicylic Acid Peels


Ideal for treating acne-prone skin, the salicylic acid peel penetrates deep into the pores to unclog them and reduce inflammation. It also helps in minimizing acne scars. This peel can be used on all skin types. It is classified as a superficial or light peel.

  • Salicylic acid peel is a chemical peel used to treat acne
  • Derived from natural sources like willow bark and wintergreen leaves
  • Safe and well-tolerated for all skin types
  • Comedolytic properties clean out pores and remove dead skin cells
  • Anti-inflammatory properties reduce redness and swelling
  • Antifungal properties can treat fungal infections like fungal acne
  • Desmolytic properties break down connective tissues in skin to keep pores clear
  • Lowers oil production to prevent clogged pores
  • Improves hyperpigmentation and sun spots
  • Generally well-tolerated with side effects healing within 1 to 2 weeks.

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