3-Step Peel

ZO 3-step peel is an anti-aging, moderate-depth peel that contains a blend of salicylic, lactic, and trichloroacetic acid (TCA) in combination with a retinol cream.

About 3-Step Peels


This anti-aging, moderate-depth peel contains a blend of salicylic, lactic, and TCA (trichloroacetic acid) in combination with retinol cream, all of which causes sloughing of the damaged topmost layers of skin. Three-step is classified as a medium peel.

  • Patients must prep their skin at least 6 weeks prior with a ZO program
  • Peel is designed for acne, melasma, sun damage, fine lines, large pores, dullness
  • Recovery time is 5 to 7 days
  • Expect tingling, itching, burning, and warmth during the peel
  • Skin will peel starting on day 2 or 3 and last up to 5 days
  • Avoid using any other products on the skin until fully healed
  • Avoid direct sun exposure for at least 7-10 days after the peel

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