The P-shot, also known as the “Priapus Shot,” is a medical procedure that involves injecting platelet-rich plasma (PRF/PRP) into the penis.



The P-shot, also known as the “Priapus Shot,” is a medical procedure that involves injecting platelet-rich plasma (PRF/PRP) into the penis.


This non-surgical treatment aims to enhance blood flow, promote tissue regeneration, and potentially increase penis size. It is a minimally invasive procedure conducted by trained medical professionals.

  • Limited side effects besides discomfort after injection
  • Increased sensitivity in the penis
  • Better overall blood flow to the penis
Regarding the notion that the P-Shot can increase penis size, there is no scientific evidence to validate such assertions.
Candidates considering the P-Shot should be aware of the lack of scientific backing for its purported benefits and the possibility of unsatisfactory results.
What to Expect

Preparation is not required before receiving a P-Shot, although wearing comfortable clothing that can be easily removed is recommended. The P-Shot procedure varies as it is still in the experimental stage, but typically involves drawing a blood sample, processing it in a centrifuge to obtain PRF/PRP, applying a numbing agent, and injecting the PRP into different areas of the penis. The entire process usually takes less than 30 minutes.


To date, there is a lack of substantial evidence supporting the efficacy of the P-Shot in addressing penile-related conditions. Proponents of the treatment assert that it enhances penile blood flow and facilitates the repair of bodily tissues and cells, potentially offering benefits for various conditions.

Safety Profile
Who is a suitable candidate for the P-Shot?
While PRF/PRPhas shown efficacy in other areas of the body, the effectiveness of the P-Shot in addressing penile-related symptoms remains unproven. It is important for individuals considering the procedure to understand its cost and the uncertainty surrounding its outcomes. Should one choose to undergo a P-Shot, it is crucial to be prepared for the possibility that the treatment may not yield the desired results.

Health insurance providers do not provide coverage for P-Shot treatments. The estimated out-of-pocket cost for a single injection exceeds $1,000.

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