Join Aesthetics HQ, the free platform empowering informed aesthetic decisions! Discover treatment options, vetted providers, and help build a safer, more knowledgeable community. Book a consultation and refer a friend to do the same to earn a chance to win FREE Botox for a year with an AHQ provider!
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The ONLY cosmetic procedure education hub that lets you book directly with experienced providers. Beautiful.
Giveaway Details
Enter for a chance to win a YEAR OFFREE BOTOX (50 units, 3 times a year, $1800 value) or equivalent aesthetic services. Watch the video for details.
Book a free consultation with an Aesthetics HQ provider through the directory. Complete your consultation and selfie entry by March 12, 2024, at 11:59 PM for a chance to win. Winner announced March 14, 2024, at 12:00 PM!
Sign up
Sign up for your referral link below.
Share your referral link with friends—each time a friend completes a free consultation, your name gets entered again, increasing your chances to win. Plus, they’ll be entered too! More shares, more chances!
After your consultation, take a selfie with your provider (*required for proof).
Email your selfie to using the same email you registered with for your referral link.
Please verify your cookie settings if the referral pop-up box is not displayed.
**Please review the Terms and Conditions; by participating in the contest, you are indicating your agreement to them and acknowledgement of our Privacy Policy.
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“At Aesthetics HQ, we believe everyone has the right to look and feel their best. We simplify that process by providing education and transparency that help patients make informed decisions.”
—Melissa Singleton, CEO & Founder, Advanced Aesthetic Provider, MPAS