Frequently Asked Questions

Provider FAQs

Please find below a list of frequently asked questions by our providers.

Treatment-seeking patients visit AHQ to learn about a esthetic procedures and find qualified providers in their area. We provide the educational resources and then help them schedule appointments with providers like you.

Getting started with a standard provider listing is easy. In addition to primary contact data, we’ll ask for info about board certification, available procedures, and available appointment times.

Patients select from a list of providers that provide their desired procedures. The more in-demand services you provide, the more likely you are to acquire new patients.

We are the only platform focusing on educating patients on aesthetic procedures and connecting them to their local providers.

Providers registering before March 1, 2024, will be listed when AHQ launches in April 2024.

Postlaunchit will take about 10 business days from initial contact to published listing.


Our listing subscriptions are valid for one year and will automatically renew unless canceled 90 days before renewal.

Your provider dashboard shows the number of:

  • Profile views
  • Bookings
  • Average views before booking

Security and privacy are our top priorities at Aesthetics HQ, and we have implemented robust policies to safeguard your data. If you have any questions or concerns about our security policies, please get in touch with us at [contact information].

Our team is committed to addressing any issues that may impact the security of your data.

We’ve developed a user-friendly bot that will prompt you to provide all the required information to initiate your profile. A real, live customer success team member will review the info and follow up for verification and information about additional opportunities.

Learn About Aesthetics HQ and Become A Partner!

The sooner you commit, the higher your profile appears in the listings!

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